Admissions » Application and Admission Information

Application and Admission Information


Thank you for looking into Holy Angels School. Our rolling admissions process allows for applications to be submitted throughout the spring and summer for the following school year. Once completed applications, including all required documents, have been submitted, we will contact you to schedule a placement assessment. We highly encourage you to schedule a  tour by clicking "Here" or by  calling our front office at 626-447-6312. 


All newly accepted students must be registered and the registration fee be paid in full by the first day of school. Grade and classroom placement of your child is at the discretion of Holy Angels School and is largely dependent on their admissions test, previous grades, standardized test scores, and recommendation forms. Holy Angels works hard to accomodate the diverse needs of our students. However, we ask that parents disclose any and all special circumstances, including IEPs, during the admissions process so that we can best assist your child. 


Open House

Holy Angels School invites you to visit out Open House Sunday, January, 26th, 2025 as we kick off Catholic Schools week. Following 9am School Family Mass, families are welcome to visit out PK-8th grade classrooms. See our Language lab, Music Room, Science Lab and more! Let us show you what makes Holy Angels the perfect learning environment for your student.


Age Criteria

  • PK applicants must be 3 years of age and potty-trained by September 1.
  • TK Applicants must be 4 years of age by September 1.
  • Kindergarten applicants must be 5 years of age by September 1.
  • 1st grade applicants must be 6 years of age by September 1.



  • All PK, TK, and Kindergarten applicants must demonstrate developmental readiness, and will be subject to Early Childhood Director’s recommendation.
  • Students applying to our PK, TK, and K will be invited into classrooms to meet with and interact with teachers. These assessments will take approximately 20 minutes.
  • Students applying to grades 1 thru 8 must test academically ready for their grade level.
  • Registration for assessment can only be made when completed applications, including all required recommendations and documents have been submitted.
Recommendation Forms